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Minutes of CHS class of 1956 Reunion Committee Meeting, November 10, 2005

Tulsa Central High School Class of 1956
Reunion Committee Meeting
November 10, 2005

August 6, 2002 November 5, 2002 May 6, 2003 November 11, 2003 February 10, 2004 March 2004 June 8, 2004 August 10, 2004 November 9, 2004 May 13, 2005 June 9, 2005 October 20, 2005 November 10, 2005
November 10, 2005
7:55 p.m.

In Joniel’s absence, Marilyn Gilmer was asked to take the minutes for this meeting.

I.                    Welcome – Allen Keenan

Allen thanked Linda and Fred Boyd for allowing us to use their home for this meeting.

Those attending:  Fred Boyd, Charles Bright, Rusty Brownson, Haven Caldwell, Bob Duncan, Dick Gable, Marilyn Gilmer, Allen Keenan, Alice Laster, Ardis Manning, Ginny Roberts, Sue Venable, Aline and Dick Wisher

President’s Report – The following information from Chris on Philbrook was shared with the committee.  75 parking slots are available, groups of over 150 are recommend to provide valet parking.  Another option are shuttle services.  Decorating is allowed 1 to 2 hours before the event and 1 hour after for cleanup.  An evening buffet price of $62.00 per person covers a meal of fish, meat and chicken including wine and following with an open bar.  This price includes all rentals.

The information concerning thank you notes reported in the last minutes was corrected.  The only note to be written was to Brenda Davis, thanking her for the Kick Off Party.  That note has been written.

Minutes – Allen Keenan

Minutes for the October 20th meeting were corrected.  A correction was noted, for the Minutes of August 9th asking that a typo be corrected.  $11,404.03 should be changed to reflect $11,401.03.

Treasurer’s Report – Allen in Jacqueline Wilson’s absence

A gift of $100.00 has been added to the Tulsa Account with a balance of $10,825.65.

State of the Class Report – Allen for Dick Rapier and Dotty Westby

Of 1,060 graduating seniors…. 245 are lost and 119 are deceased

V.          Development Report  Allen for Bill Bruckner and Chris Seger

The Comma Club continues to get donations.  We are above $10,000 now.  The rifle-shot letters to classmates who I think can help us with significant donations have not been written.

VI.               Communications Report - Allen Keenan for Ed Wheeler

Work continues on the technical difficulties reported at the last meeting.

VII.             Class Gift Report – Allen - No report

VIII.          Transportation Report – Dick Gable

White Chevrolet - Buses seat 55 with restrooms
School Buses -
$25.00 per hour plus $1.35 a mile have no facilities

Discussion:  Route yet to be decided.  If lunch stop is at Woodard park, check to see if park restrooms will be open.  The release of Memorial balloons may be near the Great Spirit statue.

Venue Report
– Bob Duncan

Doubletree - $13,000 80% for Friday’s luncheon and mixer.

Room guarantee:  The 28 room figure includes the Parlor (for the Hospitality Room) and 1 room off each end.

X       Budget Report – Fred Boyd

Food Costs:                          Friday:    Luncheon           200 @ $15.00 = $   3,000.00
                                                            Mixer                300 @ $30.00 = $   9,000.00
    Saturday: Boxed Lunch     200 @ $6.95   = $   1,400.00
                                                            Dinner               300 @ $40.00 = $ 12,000.00
Total Food Costs:                                                                                     $25,400.00

Mailing                                                                                $     650.00
Transportation                                                                                     ?
Registration                                                                             1,500.00
Golf                                                                                              60.00
Assembly                                                                                      90.00
Drinks                                                                                         695.00
Photos                                                                                                  ?
Music                                                                                   $   1,500.00
Total Budgeted Misc. Costs reported:                                 $  4,495.00

Total Budgeted Food Costs and Misc. Expenses reported:                        $29,895.00

Budget will remain incomplete until numbers and locations are finalized.

Allen read letter from Chris and Janet:

Allen, I hope the committee can visualize this event as being a magical evening, among the paintings, sculptures, and gardens of a world-class museum – versus dinner in a hotel basement.

Imagine strolling through the galleries and verandas of Philbrook with a nice glass of cold Chablis in your hand talking about life, love, fine art and old girlfriends, surrounded by the splendors of the Waite Phillips’ mansion.

It’s the difference between the sublime and the merely mundane.  Let’s reach for something that our class will talk about for years.

Motion:  Bob Duncan:  Let Chris resolve the Philbrook issues of:

                          Seating at Philbrook

2nd        Sue Venable
Motion passed

XI.       Other Committee Reports:

.  Decorations – Marilyn Gilmer – no report

B.  Food – Hospitality Room - Jacqueline Wilson and Haven Caldwell

C.  Registration and Stuff – Greta Cailloux – no report

D.  Events
1.  Golf Tournament – Fred Boyd
2.  Luncheon – Aline Wisher
3.  Mixer – Ginny Roberts
4.  Daze – Joniel, Carolyn, Sue and Gretchen
                            Sue – There will be skits and 1 or 2 tap dance choruses.  
                            We are looking forward to seeing Marcia Rodd, Sonny Gray, Jack Siggins and countless others.
        5.  Memorial
                     a.   Assembly – Sue – This program will have the dignity and patriotism of our old assemblies to remind us of those Friday mornings in the South Auditorium.
               b.  Woodward Park – Joniel – balloon release
        6.  Hospitality – Haven and Jacqueline

        7.  Excursion – Dick Gable and Nancy Calderwood

        8.  Dinner at Philbrook – Chris

        9.  Time Capsule – Ed Wheeler

XII.      New Business – None

XIII.     Old Business – None

XIV.     Roundtable

Alien Wisher reported that they can donate some golf balls and thought it would be nice if they could be engraved

Alice reported that First Class Mail piece price is going up to $ .39.

Marilyn asked when solicitation for advertising in the Tom Tom would begin.

Allen showed a collection of Tulsa Memories Drawings and reported that it would cost $544.38/$1,500.00 to be included for distribution at registration.  Everyone liked the idea.

Allen – Thank you letters from the Chairman should go to each donor of the Comma Club.

XV.      Next Meeting Date

December 8th   The Christmas Party at Carolyn Eads McGee’s home. 

XVI.      Adjourn
8:50 Allen Keenan

Respectfully submitted, for Joniel Russell by Marilyn Gilmer
Last updated 01/06/16

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