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Minutes of CHS class of 1956 Reunion Committee Meeting, June 9, 2005

Tulsa Central High School Class of 1956
Reunion Committee Meeting
June 9, 2005

August 6, 2002 November 5, 2002 May 6, 2003 November 11, 2003 February 10, 2004 March 2004 June 8, 2004 August 10, 2004 November 9, 2004 May 13, 2005 June 9, 2005 October 20, 2005 November 10, 2005

I.     Welcome – Allen Keenan

Allen welcomed the committee to his home and announced that dinner would follow the
business session; he then distributed the agenda.  Others present included Fred Boyd,      Greta Morris Cailloux, Dick Gable, Marilyn Miller Gilmer, Judy Keenan, Carolyn Eads            McGee, Joniel Foster Russell and Ed Wheeler.

Allen announced that he had received a copy of the contract with The Double Tree Hotel.

To secure our meeting and hospitality rooms free of charge, we must guarantee these room reservations:  Thursday, Sept. 28-5 standard rooms; Friday, Sept. 29 and Saturday, Sept. 30, 10 standard rooms each night.  We also must order a minimum of 300 meals on Friday and Saturday nights.  The room minimums can easily be met if just our committee Members stay at the hotel. 

II.     Minutes – Joniel Russell

The minutes were approved as corrected:  add Marilyn Miller to list of attendees; change
Greta Cailloux  given name from “Gretchen.”

III.    Treasurer’s Report – Allen Keenan for Jacqueline Slagle Wilson.

Current balance is $11,404.03.

IV.   Sub-committee Reports – Allen Keenan

·         Communications

Data:             Dick Rapier reports no major changes.
Newsletter:  Ed Wheeler needs articles from committee members.
Web Site:     Reunion Planning Reports (minutes) are not current.  It is crucial
to keep information up to date to build enthusiasm to attend!

·         Finance
Budget:         In order to set operating budgets for committees, it was decided to plan to charge $56 per person which likely will cover registration, Friday dinner and Saturday dinner. It may include the bus ride to the new Central High School for the Assembly on Saturday morning. The golf  and/or tennis outings and the Ladies Luncheon on Friday will be added personal options and will not be included. If 250 individuals attend @ $56 apiece, that would yield a working budget of $45,000.

Fundraising:   Chris Seger has indicated a total of $6,000 in gifts/pledges to the Comma Club.  Letters are continuing to go out.

·         Venue:            No report.
·         Events:          No report.
·         Registration:  Greta Cailloux.
She has a bid of $162.84 for 13 cases of bottled water customized with Tulsa
Central Class of 1956 and would like to place the order before prices rise due to increased gasoline costs.  The committee authorized the order.  She also brought boxes of chocolates to sample.  General feeling was that the candy was too costly.

·         “Stuff”            Allen Keenan
Reunion Schedule:   Fred Boyd noted that classmates seemed to appreciate free
time to visit.  The site was full Friday and Saturday afternoons with people just table-hopping and visiting.  That will be done again if at all possible.

·         Class Gift:
Since the new Central has the highest per capita enrollment of Native Americans in Tulsa , Allen approached the idea of funding an educational project.  Central also has an impressive collection of donated art, but can only display a portion of it at any given time. Perhaps a seminar would address a key component of Tulsa ’s history.  It was suggested that this idea be given to Cliff Cantrell, class gift chairman.

V.     Old Business

Joniel Russell distributed a compilation of ideas generated during past Round Table discussions in hopes that the good ideas will be explored now that we are in the time
frame for using them.

VI.    New Business

Reunion Kick-Off Party:     It will be Thursday, Sept. 9 from 6 to 8 P.M. at the Summit
Club downtown.  We will present flyer/packets with details of registration and events planned.  Allen will get Ruthie Johnston prepare a poster with the schedule.  We will have large posters to sign up to work on projects.  Dick Gable suggested having Jerry Cornelius comment on the Beryl Ford Exhibit at the Historical Society.  Chris Seger will come from Dallas to promote The Comma Club.  A Telephone Committee should be established to encourage Tulsa residents to attend.  It was suggested that Alice Fellers Lasater be asked to do this.

Time Capsule:    Ed Wheeler presented the idea of burying a pvc tube as our class’s own
unique record.   For example, the tube would hold 3x5 cards on which could be written predictions for our 75th Reunion in 2031 by which time we’ll be 92 or 93 years old.  Ed volunteered to serve as chairman for that Reunion .

VII.     Round Table – No comments given.

VIII.     Next meeting – Thursday, July 7 at 6 P.M. at Dick Gable’s home, 2240 E. 39th St .

Respectfully submitted,      Joniel Russell                            SEE YOU AT THE 50th !!
Last updated 01/06/16

For problems or questions regarding this web contact Tulsa Central 1956 Web Master TulsaCentral1956@aol.com