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Minutes of CHS class of 1956 Reunion Committee Meeting, March 2004

Tulsa Central High School Class of 1956
Reunion Committee Meeting
March 2004

August 6, 2002 November 5, 2002 May 6, 2003 November 11, 2003 February 10, 2004 March 2004 June 8, 2004 August 10, 2004 November 9, 2004 May 13, 2005 June 9, 2005 October 20, 2005 November 10, 2005

March 2004 Newsletter

Notes from the Chair…
Two and a half years! The countdown is on…In September of 2006 we will be celebrating our 50th Reunion . Our
reunion committee has been active, we are meeting quarterly and met last month at Jacqueline Slagle Wilson’s home for a pot-luck business meeting. Between our committee meetings on the 2nd Friday of the month our classmates are meeting for “Breakfast Club”. On March 12th we will meet for lunch at the Green Onion (51st just west of Yale) at 12:00 Noon . Come and join us if you can. Everyone is welcome! On April 9th we will meet for breakfast at the Full Cup Café (31st and Winston) at 9:00 A.M.

Please visit our website (tulsacentral1956.com). I can’t thank Dick Rapier enough for assuming the webmaster position. He is doing a wonderful job. Check out the “Bios” (collected by Fred Benford) on the “Tom Tom” page. Add your Bio!

A few words about our reunion: Date – September 28- October 1, 2006 , Place – Doubletree South. Bob Duncan and Fred Boyd are working on the venue. Marilyn Gilmer, Greta Callioux, Alice Laster & Jacqueline Wilson are working on events, decorations & food budgets. Bill Bruckner, Chris Seger, Janet Ferrill, Dotty Westby and Barry Epperson are working on fundraising (so hopefully we can charge only $56 per person for this spectacular weekend). Dick Rapier and Dotty Westby are working on locating classmates. Joniel Russell, Carolyn McGee and Gretchen Ross are working on the “Daze”. Sonny Gray has volunteered to help with the music. Sally Minshall and Ruthie Armstrong will be putting together the “Tom Tom”. Tom Summers and Joniel are working on the Newsletter. WE NEED HELP! Please volunteer via website!

A Letter to Ponder…

Within a period of six months we lost two valued committee members who were treasured friends as well, and the mortality tables are not reassuring: by the time of our reunion, the underworld will have claimed dozens more of our classmates.

Where do we turn for solace? That’s up to you; but, I took a glance back at what the Romans had to say about these grim matters. They mostly divided into two opposing schools of thought. The first accepted a grim sort of fatalism. You are expected to enthusiastically embrace your fate, since the universe is governed by the Forces of Good. You, of course, have to do your part to cooperate. Now every word of this might be true; still we are left hoping that the Forces of Good have no immediate need of our constituent elements.

The other school of thought is less austere – not austere at all in fact. It can be encapsulated in Horace’s words, Carpe Diem – seize the day; live in the present; eat, drink and be merry. Pleasure is king in this school of thought. And when believers dissolve into their constituent elements, these elements spend eternity bobbing around in a cocktail glass filled with dry martini (naturally a martini with the appropriate ratio of gin to vermouth). I think we can all agree that this represents a step forward in the history of thought, and the promise of quite a decent afterlife.

Alas, we are unable to promise that our reunion will achieve the levels of depravity favored by the Romans, but we will do our best in the circumstances. Carpe Diem!  Scholarly Ned

Notes from the committee…

Joniel Foster Russell makes this plea


We want YOU at our 50th
Reunion ! In fact, WE NEED YOU NOW!! Your Reunion Committee is planning a SUPER CELEBRATION! But we all know that SUCCESSFUL parties require many "happy hands" (VOLUNTEERS) working behind the scenes to create a quality product. You can get involved & serve your Alma Mater right away & have fun at the same time! Renew friendships & build memories. Your Chairman Allen Keenan has issued 3 calls for HELP. (1) Where are all the people who worked on the Tulsa School Life staff & on the Tom Tom Yearbook? Their journalistic skills are needed to help to produce our Newsletter from time to time. Volunteer now! (2) Bill Bruckner & Chris Seger are chairing the Development Committee. Yes, a dignified title for old­ fashioned FUND-RAISING. A classy reunion will require money. We know many of you have served in fund drives before & are good at it. Bill & Chris need your skills now! (3) Allen personally would like someone with good organizational skills to help him ride herd on his rambunctious committee members! Please, please save his sanity! It is a blast to work on & to attend our class reunions. (In fact, some committee members have worked on all of them!) Many classmates have attended all of them! Your assistance is sought and needed. This is your opportunity to mold & shape a fabulous, gala weekend. Join us & renew memories from the Golden Fifties!

Upcoming EVENTS ...

March 12, 2004 Lunch at the Green Onion (12:00)
April 9, 2004 Breakfast at the Full Cup Cafe' (9:00)
Last updated 01/06/16

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