The Appeal to the Great Spirit

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Last updated 01/06/16            Hit Counter

History Great Spirit Building Manual Arts Pictures

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It is what is being represented in this marvelous work that is important, not
the sculpture. It is this brave appealing to God which was the reason for
it being selected to grace our school.

This is about what is shown being done that is important and meaningful
to those of us who were fortunate enough to have been born in Tulsa
and to have gone to such a remarkable school.

This sculpture accomplished by Cyrus Dallin was the last of a four part
series of his entitled "the Epic of the Indian", a subject truly worth contemplating.

Dallin grew up in Utah and was fortunate enough to have been raised
close to Native American children.

The sculpture was cast in Paris in 1909 and won a gold medal during
its exhibition there. Ultimately there were three full size casts, the others
located in Muncie, Indiana and Boston Massachusetts.

This brave in prayer was at the entrance of
the main floor that students at the school
saw when they came in to begin
their new day of life.

Probably few saw the significance of what was
being represented as important in their own life,
but it was always there to contemplate.   

